"I receive."

Continuing to practice receiving.

It is in my nature to give, care for, hold space, help. It comes so easily. 

The receiving for me takes much more ‘work’. It’s outside my comfort zone. It’s allowing someone else to drive. It’s scary. It’s surrender, allowing, unknown, letting go. It’s mindfulness, clear intention and mindset. 

This lesson has reappeared over and over throughout my life. It’s been a lifelong theme and so meaningful to all areas of my being. 

So far I’ve been deepening my relationship with: asking for help (from Above and beside), fully accepting complements with my entire being, physical touch, body work, energy work, through intimacy, music and nature, rest, meditation, even eating. 

This feels full of potential, possibility, gifts, magic, blessings, abundance. There is so much for me within the space. 

The healing that has taken place as a result already is nothing short of miraculous. But really it’s so normal. It’s how it works. When you really allow yourself to be present with your lessons and move through the opportunities presented to you - things shift and transform and become so much more light, beautiful and healthy. 

Thank you Universe for all the signs that this is just the beginning of this journey. My heart, arms and mind are wide open. 

“I receive.”
