It's OK to Feel GOOD about Yourself!!!
/I was feeling myself today. However when I went to share a photo, all the feelings shifted.
I went from strong and confident to anxiously considering what people would think of me. I went from sharing a body positive post to nervous of criticism that I was full of myself.
I found myself super aware of my inner bully trying to make me play small. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of me. Sometimes I forget and sink back into the old habit of letting my inner bully and others opinions dictate my actions.
I checked in with my inner goddess, the true voice of my soul, and remembered it’s more than ok to feel good about myself. It’s beautiful to shine my light. It’s wonderful that I’m feeling strong and confident in my body where I am right now, instead of being full of self judgement.
I am in a place where I find more and more things to complement and less to criticize. And when I am being critical, I’m aware of it and shift the thought. I’m no longer in a place of telling myself I’ll be happy when my body looks differently.
I have found body love, right here, right now. That is something to shout from the rooftops. It doesn’t matter how we look on the outside, it’s the internal battle we all know.
It's not about what any of us actually look like. That's all just perspective. We all have this inner self dialogue and inner bully and that's what we need to work on. Which is also, just perspective. And can totally be changed. Like Wayne Dyer said, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
I’m honoring my awareness, my courage, and my inner goddess. And I’m thankful to my inner bully for the reminders, because it shows me how far I’ve come.
Here I am. Feeling myself. And I’m good with that.