When you follow the signs, blessings come.

The highlight of my weekend was meeting Judy.  

Saturday morning I wasn't feeling great, but I was pulled to venture out in the rain and get supplies. On my way to rent a movie, I felt a calling toward a different redbox location than I was headed. I've learned not to question this inner guidance, so I allowed myself to be redirected. I soon found out why. 

In front of the rental station was a woman in a wheelchair. I observed as a family in a van gave her loose change. I saw her start to tear up as she clutched it in her hand. I asked if I could give her a hug. We embraced and as the rain washed over us, she allowed herself to really cry. I held her tightly as she sobbed that she just wanted to go home. 

As we stayed in this position she gave me some details about her situation. She was only be charged $25 for rent but the landlord wouldn't let her in because she didn't have the money. He was making her pay upfront now and he didn't trust she could get the money. She said she understood, but just wanted to go home. She wanted to be inside and dry, that's all she wanted. 

She didn't ask me for anything. She didn't ask for help. But I knew I was directed to her location for a reason. I looked in my wallet and saw the $25 to get her home. Normally, I don't have cash on me, but a series of 'non coincidental' circumstances led to me having just the amount I hoped to find. 

As I handed Judy the cash, her eyes started leaking again. Messy, snotty, uncontrollable tears. She told me she had prayed to God and asked Him to send help. She asked Him to send her an angel. She was convinced that I was that angel. She said that she had never met an angel in real life until now and she would never forget me and pray for me every day. With a few more hugs and love exchanged, I drove away.

I saw Bear in the back seat and was filled with love and the giving spirit. I thought to myself, how can I give to him right now. Smith Park nearby popped in my mind and we went and played frisbee in the rain. He was so happy splashing in the puddles. We didn't mind getting muddy and hardly noticed how cold and wet it was. I tried to be in the present with Bear, but my mind kept going back to Judy. 

I remembered her saying that she hadn't eaten the day before. Which was Christmas Day, even though she didn't mention the holiday. Her words kept playing through my mind. I thought of the bags of nuts in my car. Although logic told me I wouldn't be able to find her 20 minutes after our encounter, my heart told me I would. 

How far could she get in Chicago in that time? So many options. Was her room rental nearby? Which direction was she headed? Then I spotted her and my heart skipped a beat. She was waiting at a bus stop. Just as I made a u-turn in the busy road to get to her, the rain stopped. 

I was able to give her food that hadn't been unpacked from the car yet from our holiday road trip. I remembered some sweets my mama had given us in holiday mugs still in the trunk. I knew she would want Judy to have the fine chocolate bars and hot cocoa mix. As I loaded her wheelchair up with all the yummy treats I could find, she embraced me yet again. She shared with me her premonition of the wonderful 2016 I have in store. And I believed every word. Suddenly, I saw that she was the angel in this situation. She showed me what happens when you follow all the signs and when you ask God for help. I had a moment of complete clarity and I was overwhelmed with gratitude. 

And I still am overflowing with gratitude. Within minutes of leaving Judy I realized I was now full blown sick. How quickly that happened, just like our encounter. I saw it as a sign to take time with what had just happened. To soak in the clarity I had been gifted. To take a few days off and just be. 

Thank you, sweet Judy. 

You will be gifted an abundance of blessings, when you follow the signs and listen to your heart. 

Intentional Breathing Meditation

Gift yourself a mindful moment with this exercise. Just like your inhale and exhale have equal importance, so does giving and receiving. Find yourself a comfortable position, either seated or laying down. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale, deeply and fully. Silently repeat with your breath.

Inhale "I breathe in love."
Exhale "I breathe out light."


Are you a coach, healer or entrepreneur? Are you ready to take a big beautiful step and lead your own program or mentorship? Are you ready to make big money in 2016?

We will be a small circle of women, who are ready to share our gifts in a big way -- through our very own programs! We will meet virtually Monday evenings in January feeling into what our program will look and feel like, who we'll call in, how we'll market and sign people up. We will be using our intuition and tapping into our magic. We'll be sharing ideas, supporting each other, building momentum and taking inspired action. At the end of the 4 weeks you will have your program ready to go, be signing up participants and making money!

If you are feeling called to join the 'Program Crafting Sistermind', let's talk.  


Thank you for allowing me into your hearts, your lives and your businesses.
If there is anything more I can do to support you, please reach out.

And remember: Be well, be good and be kind.

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama