How do you turn things around?
/Let's get real. It's not always butterflies & rainbows.
Yes, like you, I am a work in progress. People have asked me, "Are you of real? Are things really always as good as they appear?" Yes, I am real. I am a happy person with a positive outlook. And well, of course things are not always rainbows and butterflies. I am human. I have ups and downs. Lately I'm mostly feeling like I'm on FIRE and everything is exactly as I desire, other times a construction site and honestly sometimes I'm a hot mess. Just last week I shared with you an example of this.
Here's the thing. The more internal soul work I do, the fewer and farther between the downs. Also, the faster the bounce back time - the time it takes to get back into a high vibration after a fall. The faster you're singing , "I'm back! I'm back!" (Click here for a midday James Brown dance break!)
I've also noticed a pattern with the major upheavals in my life. When I'm focused on maintaining a positive, grateful attitude and using my spiritual toolbox, things are much smoother (i.e. rainbows and butterflies). The times that I get complacent, slack in my spiritual practices or lose focus... BAM! I get knocked down hard - Right on the booty! That's when something "dramatic" happens. That's when I find myself bracing for the storm.
But there's HOPE! Since I see this pattern so clearly. I'm learning how to stay at the grateful, positive place - embracing myself, my surroundings and my spirituality. Yes, it is work. It takes time, effort and energy. We've all heard the saying "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life." I don't buy it. Yes, it is work. And I LOVE it!
I choose to remember that 'Everything is happening for me! Not to me.' I choose to focus on the Gratitude in every situation. When I feel myself spiraling out of control, I look for the Light, the Love and the Gratitude.
Please share your tips for bouncing back when you're down. What tool can you have ready to go this weekend if you find yourself in a uncomfortable spot, stuck in negativity, a low vibration or just completely down and out? Comment below!
Intentional Breathing Meditation
Busting out an oldie, but goodie. This one always leaves me with an open heart chakra and a smile on my lips. Enjoy! Find yourself a comfortable position, either seated or laying down. Set a timer for 3 to 10 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale, deeply and fully. Silently repeat with your breath.
Inhale "Be Love"
Exhale "Spread Love"