Don't let what scares you hold you back!

What?? That can sound counter intuitive, but it's true. If you're walking down a dark alley alone at night, don't run toward what feels scary. That's an actual and rational fear. However, know the difference between that and irrational fears. Know if it's just your inner bully trying to keep you playing small. If it's the latter type of fear, run toward it!!!

It's normal to feel fear as you get closer to your truth. Don't turn away, it's a sign you're on the right path.

I was a guest on a really inspirational podcast this week. When it came time to share it with you and on Facebook, I had a complete fear attack. 

In any moment we have the choice to let our inner bully or inner goddess lead the way. We can focus on all the reasons we can't or we can focus on all the reasons we can. I must admit, as much as I live life out of the cage - sharing things like this podcast feels scary!

My deepest knowing is that we get scared the closer we are to our truth. Courage is not the absence of fear. It's going for it even though it's scary. Thank you for allowing me the space to practice being courageous today. Thank you for supporting me as I do what I love! It is my deepest purpose in life to follow my passion and purpose and support others as they do the same.

I would not be where I am in my life and business if I didn't run toward the things that scare me. I take scary as heck leaps and keep proving to myself - I CAN FLY!!! You can do it too. I promise!

Here's another dash of awesomeness - Instead of listening to this podcast and looking for mistakes, I am feeling proud of myself for going for it. I feel proud of myself for sharing it with you. I'm scared, excited and flying free -- and it feels pretty crazy wonderful! 

Some of the things we talk about in this 45 min interview:

– My transition from day job to dream job - WOOO HOOO!!
– Trusting that everything is happening FOR you, not TO you
– My favorite money abundance mantras
– Money mindset tips
– How our relationships are related to our abundance
– The one realization that will change your life
And more!

Below you can listen to the Do What You Love Revolution podcast with me and beautiful host Fernanda Saad. I would be so honored if you would listen and share it with your tribe. 

Listen here: